Dear Rachel,
I'm moving along on this log cabin blanket, but not much else. The Cozy wrap is languishing on row 8 (11 if you count the garter stitch border), and I'm not posting any pictures until it actually looks like something other than an unwound ball of twine. I've come to a screeching halt on the green ribbed sweater, after really cranking along for a good 8 or 9 inches. I just can't make myself pick it up.
I took Dermot to the vet this morning to have surgery. His bladder stones had not shrunk at all on the new diet, so in order to avoid the possibility of the stones shifting and blocking his urethra, he had to have them out. Poor kitty. He came through it well, though, and we'll be able to bring him home tomorrow.
Anyhow, back to the knitting, my hope is that starting this blog does give me a bit of motivation to show progress, like you said the other day.
