Just babies! Now they are "big girls" and so funny together.
A sample of dialogue from yesterday's visit --
Lena: (holds up a stack of colored wooden disks) "I made a birthday cake! Rose, sing 'Happy Birthday!'"
(both girls sing)
Rose: "That cake smells delicious!"
Lena: "It's a splendid birthday cake!"
At the time of this writing, Rose is supposed to be having a nap. I've already been upstairs three times to remind her of this. The second time was because she had reached through the bars of her crib to turn off the nursery monitor. The third time was because I could hear her jumping on the bed. Now she's up there saying "huevos con papas" over and over again. In different voices. High, low, slow. "Hueeeevoooos con paaapaaaaas." If it weren't so funny, I'd be losing my mind. She's been great with naps all summer; now Andy's gone back to school and it's like she's forgotten how to sleep.
In knitting news, I'd started another pair of toe-up socks and worked the heel too soon, which became obvious when I tried them on after starting the ankle rounds. I know I've got to frog it back, but I don't want to. So I'm at this stupid impasse with myself: I know the sooner I rip the heel out, the sooner I can get back to work on it and make the foot the right length, but I just hate the idea of going backwards. *Sigh* Well, I like to knit, right? I mean, it's my hobby. This just means I'll get to knit more.
Yarn used: Knit Picks Gloss in Cocoa. This yarn feels amazing on the feet. I've worn and washed them a handful of times already, and I am noticing a bit of fuzziness starting to happen where the socks meet the shoes, but nothing awful.
I also decided to use some leftover Lamb's Pride to learn to make mittens.
Not too bad, if I do say so myself.I had originally used this yarn to knit Coronet from Knitty, which I loved to knit and love to wear. Now I have mittens to match. There's even enough left to make a scarf, but I'm not crazy about the idea of a plain stockinette scarf in this heavy worsted, and cables would make it even bulkier. Perhaps a simple lace, I mean as simple as K2tog, YO, etc. for one row and knit the next, and repeat the two rows. Just something to create a loose, drapey fabric.
It's good to be home, and I'm trying to get back on track with the blogging. Here's one vacation pic: the obligatory Rockefeller Plaza shot.