Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Peanut's blanket

We've taken to calling the little one on the way "Peanut." We haven't found out the sex of the baby and we don't want to know until the birth. We did it that way with Rose and it was a lot a fun to hear the doctor say, "It's a girl!" So even though we have a name chosen for a boy and for a girl, since we don't know who's coming, its name is Peanut. Rose loves this, and talks to my belly all the time.

The other day the conversation went something like this.
Rose: "Peanut, when you come out, we'll go to the park and swing on the swings."
Me: "Peanut will love that, but at first he [note: I choose a pronoun at random when talking about the baby to Rose. I hope it doesn't mess her up.] won't be big enough to ride the swing.
Rose: "Oh."
Me: "But I know Peanut would love to watch while you ride the swing."
Rose: "Okay. Peanut, you can sit on the bench and watch me swing."
Me (trying not to laugh): "Well, he might not be able to sit on the bench, either. Maybe Peanut can sit in your stroller and watch you."
Rose: "My stroller?"
Me (thinking "uh-oh"): "Yes, you're so big you almost never need to ride in the stroller anymore. So maybe Peanut can use it when we go to the park."
Rose (thinking for a moment): "Okay, Peanut, I guess I can share my stroller with you."

So I've started this Moderne Baby Blanket from Mason-Dixon Knitting and it's going pretty well.MDK Moderne -- halfway done
I decided to use a heavy worsted weight yarn to help all that garter stitch go faster, and bought some cotton from Blue Sky Alpacas in these great warm shades. I did a little math to figure out what number of stitches would give me color blocks in the same dimensions as the original DK weight blanket. Well, my math was just a teensy bit off, because I'm only halfway through this blanket and it already measures 30" by 34" -- the pattern says the finished blanket should measure 28" by 38"! Whoops!
I don't care; I like big blankets, and this one will last Peanut for a while. But I did need to get more yarn.

1 comment:

Joanna said...

Peanut is a great name, although it has put me in mind of a song we used to sing in the Girl Guides about finding a peanut!