Anyone remember this?

No? I didn't think so. It's the Kiri Shawl. I started it in June of 2007 and it's been hibernating since probably October or November of 2007. I really like it. It's not a difficult lace pattern, and the yarn is Madil Kid Seta, which is pretty lovely. I just was getting to a point (pregnant, sick, exhausted) where I couldn't face how long the rows were getting, then I was worn out by a newborn and a preschooler, and now that I might like to work on it again, I just can't seem to find a chunk of time long enough to complete a row, let alone a pattern repeat.
Plus I was getting antsy to make a pair of legwarmers for myself like I made for my sister, and as I had the Kid Seta on hand (intended for the shawl), all I needed was some worsted wool to get started, and so...
This one is already finished. I'll get started on the second one today. Yes, I know spring seems to be here. Yes, I realize I probably won't get to wear these until November. But if I don't do it now, I'm afraid it won't get done before I need it. Also, I live in Michigan. We could have a gorgeous warm day followed immediately by a blizzard the next. We don't trust the weather in Michigan, and we like it that way.

Now, you may be wondering, if that Kid Seta was intended for the shawl, and I've used it up in a pair of legwarmers, what am I going to do about Kiri? Well, I've decided I'm just going to finish the Kiri with the yarn I have remaining and make it a mini-Kiri! I can wear it as a jaunty neckwarmer, or maybe a lacy headscarf. The possibilities are endless! Now I just have to find the time to actually work on it.
Hey Kim,
Just a funny...I got an ad circular in the mail recently from my local Jo-Ann Fabrics, and they were having a big yarn sale. The front cover had a woman and young girl on the front page, knitting together. I began to count the knit projects that were strategically surrounding them in the photo, and counted no less than 10, from the vests and slippers they were wearing, to the rug, and some dolls on a shelf. It was an adorable photo, and it made me think of you and Rose! :)
Have a lovely day!
Kimberly Wallace
Just here from Conversion of Diary -- and just wanted to thank you for the link to the CD with Daughters of God... beautiful!
Thank you!
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