But first, this diversion:
The ballband dishrag made popular again lately by the gals at Mason-Dixon Knitting.
I had picked up two balls of Sugar n'Cream Cotton on our last trip to the local dime store.
They made for great "mindless" knitting for the evenings for a couple of nights.
Don't the colors look great in our kitchen?
Okay, back to my day trip. I wanted to check out two stores in Ann Arbor that I've never been to. First I hit Flying Sheep, where I placed an order for enough Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece in Robin's Egg Blue for a Green Gable for myself.
Then I drove through campus (luckily I wasn't in a hurry) on my way to Knit A Round, where I bought some sock yarn and three books by Elizabeth Zimmerman.
Last, I drove into Detroit to hit City Knits, the LYS that is closest to me and the one I usually shop at. I bought three lovely tribbles of Kid Seta for Kiri,
Then, as a lovely cherry on a lovely ice cream sundae, I stopped and got a pedicure on the way home. I loved every second of the day, and love Andrew so much for giving it to me.
Next time: a cute sweater for Rose!