Here is our bathroom as of Monday morning.
This was 24 hours later.
Bless her little heart.
Green Gables is almost done. I'm over on the other side of the basement in our little computer area, knitting away while she sleeps, and it looks like this:
Bless her little heart.
Green Gables is almost done. I'm over on the other side of the basement in our little computer area, knitting away while she sleeps, and it looks like this:
Her tag reads, "Wrinklee -- the merino sheep." See the zipper?
Here she is, all freshly shorn, with her fleece lying beside her. Rose decided it is a girl, and her name is not Wrinklee, but Lambie. Isn't that sweet?
So I'm raising my daughter to be a fiber-loving girl. Tee-hee. Yesterday she felt she needed to put on a pair of my (hand-knit) socks and my Cozy.
Hey, Rachel, see what she's playing with? That set was Andy's when he was little.
Lastly, this is the best photo I could find of the "mall hair" I mentioned a few posts ago. It is not me, so the face has been marked out to protect the innocent. ;)
It's not a strange new hair elastic for Rose. It's a nifty little dpn holder.I really, really like it. It was mentioned in the current issue of Knitty, in the Cool Stuff column (scroll way down), and I ordered one as soon as I saw it. I've been looking and looking for something to keep my needles under control, and this is it. Now I won't poke any more holes in my tote bag.
I've also begun Kiri.
This is the first chart completed. The yarn, Kid Seta, is not the easiest I've ever worked with, but the resulting fabric is just heavenly: light and fluffy, like knitting up a cloud.You can really see the leaf shapes coming out. I'm afraid that after blocking, the leaves end up losing their teardrop shape and start looking more like diamonds. At least, the photos of finished Kiris I've seen make it seem that way. Perhaps if I don't stretch it too much during blocking, I can keep the leaves looking like leaves. We'll see. I've got a lot more knitting to go before I start thinking about blocking.
My DH Andrew is home for summer vacation, so I'm looking forward to lots of knitting time as he and Rose spend the days playing together. I love being married to a teacher!
When I'm done with the toe-up socks (soon, please, soon!), I think I may start a pair of Monkeys. Cara at January One has been crazy about them lately, and I dreamed one night that I was knitting a pair. They're very cute.
I've finished the waist shaping on Green Gable and am just going around and around and around to finish it. That's my mindless, too tired to think, don't have to look at it knitting.
As regards the "mall hair," I'm going to scan a couple of the best pictures to share as soon as I get over to my mom's house to do it. I need to buy a scanner.
And here's a better look at the actual colors of the sock. This pair will be for my sister, who has adored the color green her entire life.
Green Gable progresses. It's a nice, easy knit.
I've tried it on twice -- once when the lace section was completed (I couldn't tell much from that experiment except that it wasn't too small), and again when I was past the arms. It definitely is not going to have negative ease, like the pattern calls for, but I don't think it will be too droopy.
It's such a pretty, simple little pattern. And I love the yarn: Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece. It's the first time I've used it, but it certainly won't be the last.
I do feel I need to start something a little more complicated now, you know? Peg, like you said, it's good to have a bit of a challenge going as well as something mindless and easy to pick up (and put down) at any time. I've got two easy ones and no tough ones. It might be time to get the Kid Seta out of my stash and try Kiri! *tremble* I don't know if I dare! ;)
Another fun project I'm working on this week is related to my other life -- what I actually do for a living, LOL! As part of my job as music director at my church, I work with the choir at our parochial school. We rehearse once a week and then sing at the school Mass each week. They've really blossomed musically this year, so I recorded them singing ten of their favorite songs and put them on CD. I'm going to give each of them a copy inside a custom made CD case. Now that the music is recorded and the CD cover designed, the hard part is over, but it's still very time consuming to print out each cover and copy each CD. I'm really proud of them and their hard work this year, and I'm trying to make this little treat very special. So I'm making five a day; then I'll have enough by Friday morning, when I see them for the last time this school year, to give them out. That's been a lot of fun.