Saturday, January 3, 2009

It's hard to believe...

...we have a four-year-old in the house.
Happy Birthday, Rose!


Jewely said...

Happy Birthday, Rose! May it be blessed, and may you have many, many more!

Monica Beadles said...

My goodness, she's just so cute. And she's a rather pleasant little girly.

When we are all mended up, our little one's need to hang out again.

HBD, Rose!

Magikjaz said...

awww happy birthday Rose!!!!

Aubrey said...

Happy Birthday to Rose! It feels weird when your oldest turns 4, really weird when they turn 5, and even weirder when they turn six. I don't homeschool, so my oldest daughter is off to school this year all day, every day. Whew!