Friday, January 30, 2009

7 Quick Takes Friday, 1/30

I've never been so grateful for coffee as I am this morning. I've definitely come down with something.
What is Twitter? I've been through the little "What is Twitter" show they have on their homepage, and I've looked at people's pages, but I just don't get it. It seems to be akin to the status updates on Facebook. Do any of you do this, and what's the difference from Facebook? And what's the appeal, for you?
The Yarn Harlot apparently just started Twittering. And apparently, she follows Wil Wheaton. Who knew?
The hand is still painin' me a bit. I may have to go see the doctor. I really don't want to.
Because of #4, I haven't been knitting as much, and I've actually been watching TV instead of just listening to it and glancing up from time to time. I finally saw a commercial I've heard about a hundred times, and there was a kitty in it, and I never knew -- I love cats. (oy, can you tell I have no brain this morning?)
People, if you buy something you had no intention of buying, but buy it only because it is on sale or you have a coupon, you're not really saving any money.
Jamie is 7 months old today! I can't believe how quickly the time has flown.
I can't believe I was able to put this together this morning. I feel so lousy. Please visit the originator of 7 Quick Takes for a much better post, and links to others who participate in 7 Quick Takes Friday.


Anonymous said...

I hear on you number 6.

Debbie said...

You are so correct on #6. And so many people just don't seem to get that. If you ever figure out Twitter let me know. I just don't think I need one more way to tell people what I am doing as if they even wanted to know!

Anonymous said...

#6, absolutely true. It shows the power of advertising, even if it is only a "On Sale" sign...

Good on you for doing Quick Takes when you have a painful hand...

I have no idea what Twitter is about either, lol...

Magikjaz said...

twitter is amazing!!! i love it. I've been a tweeter since Mar 2007. everyone starts out slow - but it gets fabulous! and the interaction is amazing. it's kinda like a giant chat room sometimes. But other times it's just a small micro blogger to get your thoughts and feelings out.

you really should give it a try - even if you never update - just to follow Wil Wheaton and LeVar Burton and William Shatner (yes he's on there!) and John Cleese and ... well there's lot of them now!!!!


Aubrey said...

#6! Yes! My DH asked once if I thought we should start taking the Sunday paper at $2.50 per issue so that we could cut out the coupons. He suggested this because friends did it. I pointed out that I rarely bought the items that were discounted by coupon in the issue and if I did, the savings would add up to less than the cost of the paper. We all just have to pay attention to our pennies! :)