Remember I had mentioned briefly once that I might forgo my usual disinclination for novelty yarns and make a muff out of Fun Fur for carolling? Well, several weeks ago I bought a skein of black Paton's Merino and a skein of black Fun Fur on a trip to the dime store. Yes, we actually still have a dime store around here.
I put the yarn away, being engrossed in other projects, and didn't think about it until yesterday. Then I thought, how long could it take to make a tube of worsted weight yarn doubled with some Fun Fur?

Answer: 28 hours (including time for sleeping, eating, working, etc.). Seriously. I started this during Sesame Street yesterday -- about 10 am -- and finished it today before 2 pm. Don't worry, it's not furry inside, there's a lining of just wool. See here for how it's constructed.
And here's the best part: our first carolling gig is tonight. So I'll get to look cute in my new fur muff and have toasty little hands. I'll try to get some pictures.
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