Happy Birthday, Lena!
Happy Birthday, Lena!
CBC Radio Two -- 89.9 FM from Windsor, ON -- has been the radio station of choice here in the Kilburn house since WQRS went heads-up in 1997. We are glad that WRCJ brought classical music back to the Detroit airwaves last fall, and still seems to be going strong, but we've developed a real affection for CBC, especially their program "The Vinyl Cafe" which we try to listen to every Saturday morning.
It was very exciting to discover that Stuart McLean et al were going to be visiting Windsor, right across the river, on their Christmas tour, and we knew we had to go.
What a treat it was! Great music from The Bebop Cowboys, Roxanne Potvin, Murray McLaughlin, and THREE Dave and Morley stories. Much fun and laughter.
The Christkindlmarket was lovely, and I had a $7 mug of hot spiced wine. It was so worth it.
After a dinner of Gerber Graduates carrots and Cheerios on the train, Rose blessedly slept all the way back home.
And, as Cozy was my project of choice for the train trip, it is now longer than it is wide -- hooray!
(I'm not sure what Rose is doing in this picture.) It kept my hands so nice and warm! I'm going to end up making three more for other members of our group. That's real holly clipped from the bush in our front yard. Pretty, huh?
Answer: 28 hours (including time for sleeping, eating, working, etc.). Seriously. I started this during Sesame Street yesterday -- about 10 am -- and finished it today before 2 pm. Don't worry, it's not furry inside, there's a lining of just wool. See here for how it's constructed.
And here's the best part: our first carolling gig is tonight. So I'll get to look cute in my new fur muff and have toasty little hands. I'll try to get some pictures.
What American accent do you have? Your Result: The Inland North You may think you speak "Standard English straight out of the dictionary" but when you step away from the Great Lakes you get asked annoying questions like "Are you from Wisconsin?" or "Are you from Chicago?" Chances are you call carbonated drinks "pop." | |
The Midland | |
The Northeast | |
Philadelphia | |
The South | |
The West | |
Boston | |
North Central | |
What American accent do you have? Take More Quizzes |
The neckline ended up a little higher and smaller than I envisioned it, but I'm perfectly happy with it. This picture was taken pre-blocking. I had to put it on the instant I wove in the ends. After it dries, I'll take more pictures of the details -- the raglan decreases and the I-cord neckline (which, did I mention, I love?).
It's raining cats and dogs today, and the latest issue of Interweave Knits showed up in my mailbox just now. Thank goodness we have a bit of an overhang around our porch, because otherwise it would be a sodden mass of newsprint. As it is, the pages are a little wrinkled with dampness, which really bugs me, because I like to keep these. I think I'll go make something hot to drink and leaf through my lovely wrinkled magazine until Rose wakes up.
Dear Rachel,
Here's our pretty little ladybug. She did not want to stand still. She was so excited about dressing up and going to see all the family, she was just dancing.
We had a nice evening, though most of it was spent in the car -- driving to Nana's, to Gramma and Grampa's, to Aunt Denise's, etc. We did walk up and down our block to visit all the neighbors after our family visits were over.
I put the GRR on some scrap yarn and tried it on. I have about another 4 or 5 inches to go before binding off, but it's been going so fast the last couple of days, I bet I'll be able to wear it for Thanksgiving. Maybe sooner.
I'm going to leave you with this picture that Andy took at a Red Robin where we had a little snack after Friday's show.
Isn't that hilarious? Visit Cuba, indeed.
Yes, it's my humble sock yarn stash. I'm actually not much of a stasher. I like to have a project in mind before I buy the yarn. Very rarely do I work in the other direction. But with sock yarn, well, you know what you're going to end up knitting with it.
And, lastly, here's a picture of me and my Dad from his 60th birthday dinner the other night. Happy Birthday, Dad! You're the best.
I started the yoke on the green ribbed raglan (henceforth to be known as the GRR). In one way, it was trickier than I thought it would be. I didn't realize that doing a three-needle bind-off to attach the sleeves to the body would tighten up the "turning radius" so much. It was very tough to get the needles around the arm stitches for the first couple of rounds because there was just no stretch in the armpits. Maybe next time I do a raglan, I'll leave the armpit stitches live on waste yarn, then do a three-needle bind-off after I've made some headway on the yoke.
So, I've got a decision to make in not too long, and I'm taking a poll: which neckline do I use?
This was the sweater that inspired me to use that green yarn for a ribbed raglan. The pattern is in the book Knitter's Stash. It uses an I-cord bind-off for the neckline, and it looks very neat and crisp.
And as an aside, the text on the photo says that the sweater "is cleverly shaped with increases and decreases." ?!? Not to be a smart-alec, but aren't most sweaters shaped with increases and decreases? Is there another way to create shaping?
Now, here is the other neckline I'm pondering: the funnel neck, or mock turtleneck as shown in the brown sweater at right. It would take more yarn, but probably not any more time (I imagine an I-cord bind-off will be fairly time-consuming).
I actually like how each neckline looks, for different reasons. I truly am having a hard time making up my mind, so please offer your opinion. And anyone else who may be out there reading this, please feel free to offer yours, as well.
As far as the other two projects go, log cabin still looks like a log cabin, and Cozy still looks like a wad of lace. They're just bigger. Maybe I'll have some pictures of them next time. I'm just so excited that the GRR looks kinda like a sweater now.
Dear Rachel,
I didn't have time over the weekend to post much more than that quickie on WCT's Guys & Dolls being in the Free Press. It was a huge surprise to me (usually just the local paper picks up on us). Sadly, they left out our first weekend.
I'll admit, that error is nothing compared to some of the stinkers our local tends to run. For example, when Andy and I were in the high school choir, an article about our upcoming concert stated that John Rutter would be there to play the flute and the clarinet (!). Another favorite ran just before we were to be married: a photo of Andy and one of his students, with a caption identifying them as "Andrew Kilburn and his son..."
Anyhow, back to Saturday night and the ballgame. When I got home from Mass, the Tigers were losing 0 - 3. We fed Rose her dinner, gave her a bath, and put her to bed, checking in on the game from time to time. By the time we were downstairs in front of the t.v. again, the game was tied at 3. We had planned on having a pizza after Rose was asleep, but neither of us could tear ourselves away from the game. It went on and on, and we were getting hungrier and hungrier, and finally, in the bottom of the ninth, I said to Andy, "You know, if you go upstairs and order that pizza, someone will hit a home run." He said, "Alright," and went up to the kitchen to make the phone call. That's when Ordonez came up to bat (sorry, I don't know how to make Blogger do a tilde). And Andy was just coming back down the stairs when Ordonez smacked it out of the park. He saw me jumping up and down, and missed the home run. Poor Andy! But as he said, "At least we didn't have to go into extra innings."
What do you think about that?
Like I said on the phone, it's 16 inches wide now (17 inches long), and I think a 32 inch wide blanket will be a good size. Of course, I could run out of yarn, or I could get tired of it before then, but we'll see.
Here's Cozy, just in case you were wondering about it. As you can see, we're getting ready to have some Fall in the house. Today is turning out to be a gorgeous day. When Rose wakes up, we're going to have a walk with the wagon, which she insists on calling "doo-doo." She used to call it "wagon," but now it's "go in doo-doo." And when we say, "Honey, it's called a wagon," she says, "go in wagon doo-doo." You gotta wonder what goes on in those baby brains.
This was Spring of 1986. Check out where the armpit of this dress is! Dude, and do you love the white nylons (with black pumps)? I wore this for my Confirmation, and I thought I was so cool and sophisticated.
I posted Rose's aran sweater to my Finished Projects and realized, to my shock, that I have no more finished projects to post. I finished that sweater in February and it is now September, and I have finished nothing else in the past seven months! Now, I did have that wrist issue, and I was a little hesitant to get back in the groove even after I had the cortizone shot, but still -- seven months? Yikes.
However, the log cabin continues apace, and I've really hit my stride with the Cozy, so I hope that before long I'll have something else to show you. I'm really sorry we didn't get our Show and Tell on Saturday.
As far as the Sesame Street videos go, there are way too many for me to list my favorites, but this one would be way up there: Imagination. And, Rachel? "Cat... I'm a kitty cat... and I dance, dance, dance, and I dance, dance, dance..." tee hee hee
It's not easy to see in this picture -- though you can click to enlarge -- but some of the stitches in the very left of the knit ribs (last knit stitch before switching to purl) are wonky. They seem bigger, loopier, than the others. I'm hoping this can be worked out in the blocking (famous last words, I know).
In other knit news, Yarn Harlot recently wrote about how much she is enjoying the new Knit Picks Options. You and I had talked about these, and how tempting they are. Now with The Harlot endorsing them, as well as Knitter's Review, well, let me just say I don't know how long I can hold out.
I read in AAA Michgan Living that there will be a Sheep and Wool Festival in Romeo on September 23 and 24. Does that sound like an adventure to you? I'd also love to drive up to your neck of the woods soon and visit Have You Any Wool for that Regia Bamboo sock yarn as well as The Knitting Room (I heard KR stocks Koigu. Must find out if it's true). Let me know what you think (not that you don't have anything else going on).